Hameray Classroom Literacy Blog

Talking to Kids about Race: Resources to Support a More Inclusive World

We are looking for ways to support parents and educators who are the ones propelling the next generation towards a more inclusive and compassionate world. As we continue to educate ourselves and discover resources that can help guide the conversation about race and inequality, we will add them to this page.


Talking to Children After Racial Incidents by Dr. Howard Stevenson, Clinical Psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania.  Dr. Stevenson discusses his 3-step plan for approaching these conversations with children through affection, correction, and protection. 


How to Talk to Children About Hate Speech by the Equal Justice Society. This website has articles and resources for helping children understand and digest the language they are now hearing.  


    31 Children's Books to Support Conversations on Race, Racism, and Resistance collected by The Conscious Kid.  A great reading list that suggests nonfiction and fiction titles to expand children's literature.   


      The Center for Racial Justice in Education has gathered an extensive list of resources for talking about race, racism, and radicalized violence with kids for parents and educators. 


      Life's Little Lessons with Daniel Tiger presented by PBS Kids.  A video series for preschool students that discusses how we are alike and different, and  how we can be a good neighbor to everyone we encounter. 


      A Teacher Held a Famous Racism Exercise in 1968. She’s Still at Itdiscusses Jane Elliott’s infamous “Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes” classroom exercise. The activity demonstrates to students what discrimination feels like, and how detrimental it can be to our relationships. For more information on the exercise and Jane Elliott herself, you can watch a PBS produced special here.


      You can read our full statement on Black Lives Matter here and if you have discovered helpful resources, please share them with us.  Email us at info@hameraypublishing.com and we will update this list to include it.