Biographies for Black History Month

Biographies for Black History Month

Want to finish Black History Month strong in your classroom? Introduce your students to these inspiring history-makers! At guided reading levels P–R, these biographies are a great way to take an in-depth look at the lives of famous Black Americans.

Harriet Tubman Biography

Harriet Tubman: The Path to Freedom

From being a "conductor" for the Underground Railroad to helping wounded soldiers, there is so much to learn from the remarkable work of Harriet Tubman in her fight to end slavery in the United States.

Guided Reading Level: M
Intervention Level: 20

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Muhammad Ali Biography

Muhammad Ali: Heavyweight Champion

Explore the life of Muhammad Ali who was a winner in the world of boxing and a model of excellence in the fight for equality.

Guided Reading Level: P
Intervention Level: 24

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Barack Obama Biography

Barack Obama: Making History

Did you know Barack Obama worked as a community organizer, lawyer, and senator in Illinois before becoming the 44th President of the United States? Learn more about this compassionate leader in this fascinating biography.

Guided Reading Level: P
Intervention Level: 24

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Biography

Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Powerful Voice

Discover the impact a trip to India had on Martin Luther King Jr. and his peaceful protests during the civil rights movement in the United States.

Guided Reading Level: P
Intervention Level: 24

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Jackie Robinson Biography

Jackie Robinson: Breaking the Color Barrier

Discover how Jackie Robinson's calm attitude was a powerful weapon against prejudice in the world of sports during a time of segregation in the United States.

Guided Reading Level: R
Intervention Level: 25

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