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Grade Level 1
Level G
Genre: Narrative
A Bundle of Sticks
Level F
Fishing for the Moon
The Ant and the Grasshopper
Grade Level 2
Level K
The Archer and the Bow
Level I
The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat
The Boar and the Chameleon
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The Boy and the Gumballs
The Cranes and the Peacock
Level H
The Donkey and His Driver
The Dove King
The Duck and the North Wind
The Elephant and the Mouse
The Farmer Who Said Maybe
The Fly and the Honey Pot
The Four Friends and the Hunter
The Fox and the Crow
The Fox and the Goat
The Fox, the Lion, and the Deer
The Goose and the Golden Eggs
The Heron and the Swan
Level M
The King and the Pearl
Level E
The Lumberjack and the Axe
The Milkmaid and Her Pail
Level L
The Next Emperor
The North Wind and the Sun
The Owl and the Rabbits
The Silkworm and the Spider
The Tortoise and the Rabbit
The Ungrateful Tiger
Grade Level K
Level C
The Bears' Picnic
Level B
The Bridge
The Clown in the Well
Dan Gets Dressed
Level D
The Hungry Giant's Lunch
I Love Chickens
Ice-Cream Stick
Little Meanie's Lunch
Look Out, Dan!
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Tub
Mud Walk
Pet Shop
Tittle-Tattle Goose
What Can Jigarees Do?
Dinner for Greedy Cat
Greedy Cat
Level J
Greedy Cat and the Chooks
Greedy Cat and the Vet
Greedy Cat and the Visitor
Greedy Cat at the Market
Greedy Cat Is Hungry
Greedy Cat's Door
Lunch for Greedy Cat
The New Cat
Bobby Bear
A Book for Pet Cats
A Book for Pet Dogs
A Book for Pet Parrots
Computer Is Back
King of the Table
Miniboy and Cake Day
Miniboy in Danger
Miniboy's Travels
Mr. Tang's Taxi at Sea
Mr. Tang's Taxi at the Zoo
Mr. Tang's Taxi in the Snow
Rose Bear
Toby Bear
Dan and the Parrot
Dan's Lost Hat
The Hungry Giant's Baby
The Hungry Giant's Shoe
Little Dan
Meanies in the House
Meanies' Night Out
Mrs. Wishy-Washy and the Big Farm Fair
Mrs. Wishy-Washy and the Big Tub
Mrs. Wishy-Washy and the Big Wash
Poor Sore Hungry Giant
Smarty No Pants
Smarty Pants and the Talent Show
Smarty Pants at the Circus
Those Yucky Meanies
Barbie at Pet Day
Barbie the Wild Lamb
Barbie's Coat
The Ghost Train
Go to Bed, Oscar!
Gruesome Halloween
Gruesome House
Gruesome Song
The House of Funny Mirrors
Hubba Dubba
The New Pen
Oscar Did It!
Paper Games
Well Done, Oscar!
The Wild Ride
Fix-It Bear
Hairy Bear and the Door
Hairy Bear on the Roof
Huggles at School
Huggles' Cold
The Huggles' Hug
Mr. Whisper and Miss Candy
Mr. Whisper and the Big Noise
Mr. Whisper's Sore Ears
Mrs. Wishy-Washy on TV
Mrs. Wishy-Washy's Birthday
Oops, Mr. Wishy-Washy!
Sloppy Tiger on the Bus
Sloppy Tiger Washes the Floor
Sloppy Tiger's Picnic
A Bug on a Rug
A Butterfly's Life
Dancing Feet
The Dog in the Deli
The Giant
Got You!
Little Fish
Monkey Walk
My Head Is Sore
The Old Truck
Roar, Roar, Roar!
Roll Call
Snails' Storm
Where Is My Mom?
Baby Food
Bobo's Hat
Buzz, Buzz, Buzz
Cat and Rat
The Circus Train
Dragon's Friend
José's Run
Miss Doll's Birthday Party
The New Road
Spooky House
Zoo Book
Animal Olympics
Flying Day