Kid Lit

Put It Away

Put It Away from Kid Lit
Put It Away
Put It Away
Put It Away

There are lots of places to put things away!

About This Series:
Kid Lit is a unique paired text series for kindergarten that approaches life as a series of small, meaningful moments that a diverse range of children can identify with. Loosely organized into themes around culture, community, health, SEL, seasons, and self, each whimsically illustrated fiction story gives a peek into a slice of a child's life and is paired with a related nonfiction text to expand familiarity with the world.

This series is also available in Spanish. Click here to view the Spanish version of this series.

Product Highlights:
-   Genre: Nonfiction
-   Grade Level: K
-   Level: C
-   Intervention Level: 3
-   Paired Text: The Lost Book
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Product Details

Book Series Kid Lit
Book List N/A
Author Debbie Moeller
Illustrator N/A
Product Type Leveled Reader
Reading Level C
Product Code S11044
Intervention Level 3
ISBN-13 978-1-68581-682-7
DRA Level 4
Genre/Text Type Informational
Spanish N/A
Language English
Teacher's Resource N/A

Book Details

Book Series Kid Lit
Book Collection Nonfiction Books
Author Debbie Moeller
Product Type Leveled Reader
Illustrator N/A
Product Code S11044
Reading Level C
ISBN-13 978-1-68581-682-7
Intervention Level 3
DRA Level 4
Page Count 8
Grade Level K
Word Count 50
Genre/Text Type Informational
Spanish N/A
Language English
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions 7 x 8 5/16 inches (W x H)
Teacher's Resource N/A