Zoozoo Into the Wild

We Are Thirsty

We Are Thirsty from Zoozoo Into the Wild
We Are Thirsty from Zoozoo Into the Wild
We Are Thirsty from Zoozoo Into the Wild
We Are Thirsty from Zoozoo Into the Wild

Present students with the opportunity to tell their own stories with this wordless book about zebras who help each other use directions to find water.

About This Series:
Zoozoo Into the Wild features 8 favorite animals in paired fiction, nonfiction, and wordless books. The series is designed to promote literacy-rich conversations about stories that students create based on what they observe and read on each page. Teachers can enrich the lesson of each book by accessing the story synopsis, themes, and activities listed at the end of each title. The series’s informational texts engage students with facts about their favorite animals, and offer teachers talking points (at the end of each book) to deliver more facts, while readers absorb each page's vibrant photograph and informative sentence. The series’s narrative texts enhance reading skills with repetitive sentence structures, varying punctuation marks, and lively illustrations, and includes strategies (at the end of each book) for before, during, and after reading to strengthen print concepts, predictions, retelling, and much more. The series includes 8 informational titles, 8 narrative titles, and 8 wordless titles.

The series' informational texts engage students with facts about their favorite animals, and offer teachers talking points (at the end of each book) to deliver more facts, while readers absorb each page's vibrant photograph and informative sentence.

The series' narrative texts enhance reading skills with repetitive sentence structures, varying punctuation marks, and lively illustrations, and includes strategies (at the end of each book) for before, during, and after reading to strengthen print concepts, predictions, retelling, and much more. The series includes 8 informational titles, 8 narrative titles, and 8 wordless titles.

This series is also available in Spanish. Click here to view the Spanish version of this series.

Product Highlights:
-   Genre: Wordless
-   Grade Levels: Pre–Kindergarten
-   Level: N/A
-   Intervention Level: N/A
-   View Teacher's Guide
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Product Details

Book Series Zoozoo Into the Wild
Book List N/A
Author Lee Waters
Illustrator N/A
Product Type Leveled Reader
Reading Level N/A
Product Code S1029
Intervention Level N/A
ISBN-13 978-1-62817-308-6
DRA Level N/A
FAMIS Number 902776770
Genre/Text Type Wordless
Spanish N/A
Language English

Book Details

Book Series Zoozoo Into the Wild
Book Collection Paired Texts
Author Lee Waters
Product Type Leveled Reader
Illustrator N/A
Product Code S1029
Reading Level N/A
ISBN-13 978-1-62817-308-6
Intervention Level N/A
FAMIS Number 902776770
DRA Level N/A
Page Count 8
Grade Level Pre-Kindergarten
Word Count N/A
Genre/Text Type Wordless
Spanish N/A
Language English
Big Book Version N/A
Product Dimensions 6 x 6 inches (W x H)