Editor's Note: This blog was previously published, we're re-sharing it today during the Holiday season.
No matter what holiday you celebrate, one universal truth exists—the holiday season is busy !
Although December can be one of the most exciting times of the year, your students are definitely experiencing the hectic feeling in the air, too. With the cooking, cleaning, and shopping, their parents have very little time to simply sit down with their child and spend quality time. How can you assist your students during this busy but lonely time?

Hameray Publishing’s
Kaleidoscope Collection
includes a book titled
Helping Mom.
As the title suggests, the book follows ways in which the child narrator can assist his mother with errands. However, it also offers ways in which the mother can help the child, indicating a reciprocal and mutually productive relationship. Because the book is not explicitly tied around a holiday theme, the book’s subject matter will be accessible to all of your students!
Before reading:
- Do you help out around the house? As a class, discuss the different chores that your students do.
- What are different chores that your mom and dad do?
- Introduce the book and explain that you’ll be reading about how a boy helps out around the house.
- Look at the cover together. What do you think is happening in the picture?
During reading:
- After every page, take a survey to see how many students have ever helped their parent out with the particular task. For example, on page 4 ask your students, Have you ever helped set the table?
After reading:
- Have each child think of different ways that they can help their parents at home. Especially encourage them to think in the context of holidays. (Can your student help make latkes, like the boy on page 3? Can your student help by looking after younger siblings, like page 5?) In pairs, have your students share their ideas aloud.
- On page 7 and 8, the roles are switched—the mother helps the boy with his homework. What are different ways that your parents can help you? Share ideas with the same partner.
Helping Mom can help students understand and cope with the holiday season and their busier-than-ever parents. This book can also be a spectacular book for students to take home for family reading.
Happy holidays, and happy reading!